I have been digging thru my photos this morning and I was pleasantly surprised that I have quite a few pictures with Uncle Steve in them. Above is a picture of Daddy, Aunt Sandee, and Uncle Steve when they were little tykes. I love how happy their eyes are in that picture. Daddy has such fun stories to tell about growing up, he idolized his big brother and, like all big brothers, they loved teasing Aunt Sandee :)
The first thing I remember about Uncle Steve was that he was handsome and laughed a lot and he was fun. He was always nice to all of us little nieces, I think I remember he gave me gum.
It was always so much fun to visit Grandma and Grandpa Hawker in Soda, and when Uncle Steve was there too it was even more fun.

These pictures are from Grandma's birthday party shortly before she died. It was a great blessing that we got to go up and spend time with her at her party and see all the family. I have lots of pictures of this party and in almost all of them, Uncle Steve is in the back ground talking to people and smiling. He loved his family, especially his Mom.

What I remember best about Uncle Steve is sitting around eating and talking. He told great stories!

I am grateful and honored to be his niece. He was a good man and very loved.
Submitted by Allison Livingstone, Kyle and Valerie's fourth kid :)
Very sweet memories from our sweet daughter.